Being the last person to serve the different people around the world is not easy. Since they do not hire too much people at the fields these days. With the fast growing of new technology, they upgrade too. And instead of hiring many workers, they used golf carts. And that makes the job easier.
But he remains on his post and continued to work. He had a chance to meet famous celebrities in the world, the professionals, smugglers, drug lords and many more. He does not consider it as the best but an opportunity to earn some money. He was the last caddy that was hired. He enjoyed it just like the people at the club who keeps going there because it is their hobby.
And the many famous people he encounters before. This was the significant of his life. He is able to meet them without trying hard. Since it is them who will look for him. The relationship never flourish into something else. But a caddy and golf player only. It helps him because of the money he receives.
It gives him a lot of lessons before and the story about his birth place. He never went to other places because he love his country so much. Now, he just reminisce what happen before and how his life was turn upside down. But he does not give up and remain hopeful. And motivates himself to keep going to love life more.
His story has been featured in many books and stories in television. Because he showed a good example and inspired young men and women of today. And even to people he does not know. He never consider them as strangers but friends. His attitude is a very good example that should be followed by many.
He explained to everyone that it is necessary to appreciate their job. They will all come together, once you love what you are doing. It makes things very easy and you will not be having a problem when you encounter some problems. That is an attitude he left behind to everyone. Not just to his friends but even to strangers. And the love for family should never be forgotten.
His life and stories has teaches many lessons for young people. Not just about the job he has and it has morals about family. Since they are the only persons who will understand and who would stand by your side no matter what happens.
After his adventures at work, he finally decided to leave and to stop working. This time he is able to live a normal life. And meeting ordinary people like him. His life before was not the same. Because of the people that surround him and is focus with his job. And has no time to relax. But he enjoyed it and has no complaints.
He showed a great example to a lot of persons. And is so thankful. Life was not a bed of roses. The people come to him to say thank you. For the good things he has done. With just his story alone, he enables to give a good impact to them.
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