The overall safety of food and drugs in the United States is provided by the Food and Drug Administration. In fact, FDA regulatory consulting is often necessary when problems arise such as food borne illness, outbreaks or issues related to accidents, illness or health concerns. As such, it is important part of the American government and a necessity in keeping citizens safe against tainted drugs or food borne illness.
The USFDA is one of the executive departments of the government. Now, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, it is responsible for protecting and promoting health through ongoing supervision of food, prescription medication, dietary supplements, over the counter pharmaceuticals, bio-pharmaceuticals and tobacco products. In addition, the organization also oversees the distribution and quality of vaccines, blood transfusions, radiation emitting devices, animal foods and medication along with some cosmetics and cosmetic surgeries.
The United States Congress established the Department of Health and Human Services and FDA as a means to keep citizens healthy and safe. In doing so, a system was established which allowed for ongoing inspections primarily related to the food and drug industry. However, as new technologies were developed, the organization also became involved in assuring citizens were safe from threats posed by a number of commercial products.
Other areas which the agency oversees are related to safety when it comes to condoms, regulations related to cell phones and lasers, sperm donation and bacteria growing on a number of products while still residing on department and grocery store shelves. While these items are not directly related to food or drugs, each have the ability to harm if not regulated on a regular basis.
There are a number of local, regional, national and international satellite offices related to the organization. The head of the organization, the Commissioner of Food and Drugs is often replaced during each election in which a new president is elected. If an incumbent, then it is often up to the president and members of the house as to whether a change need take place. In most cases, the residing commissioner will remain in office until the time the president is replaced during the next election cycle.
The FDA currently has a number of satellite offices located in and outside the United States. However, there is currently ongoing work to relocate many of these offices into one central location in Washington D. C. The only two departments which are not currently part of this plan are that of the Criminal and Regulatory Investigations.
The most well known aspect of the agency are health inspectors and investigators. For, these individuals inspect and report on all aspects related to food and drug administration. Most often, these individuals inspect various locations, investigate complaints, identify and investigate the cause of food borne illness and other outbreaks and review documentation as required.
Ultimately, business owners, doctors, pharmacies, restaurant owners and workers are responsible for maintaining health and safety when it comes to these practices. As part of the process, most locations serving food, or prescribing medication require workers to present or obtain a valid health code before beginning work. Whereas, there are some locations such as booths at festivals and private parties which may not have this requirement.
You can find a list of the benefits you get when you use FDA regulatory consulting services at right now.