Most women suffer yeast infections at some point in their lives. Overgrowth of Candida can make a woman\’s life very miserable especially with increased burning effect and the itching. Most people have their lives affected especially after trying several ineffective pharmaceuticals. However, the good news is that coconut oil for Candida is one cure that is guaranteed to work. Most people result to use of antibiotics only to get frustrated when their condition does not completely disappear. Coconut oil is a good cure because it is cheap, delicious and has other health benefits.
Before taking this remedy, it is crucial that you understand what causes the infection and how it intensifies in the body. Candida is a natural fungal that is in our body but if in plenty it causes harm to the body. For instance, when it is plenty, it makes one to suffer from abdominal and cramp pains, persistent coughing, blurry visions and severe fungal infections. Normally many people that suffer from the above ailments do not know about the cause of the ailment. For this reason, seek treatment for other infections rather than the fungal one that is continuously growing.
Coconut oil is largely known to be very effective a cure for this condition. It has active anti-fungal ingredients- lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. These acids work together to destroy microbes such as viruses, fungi and bacteria by breaking down their cell walls.
Physicians use Caprylic acid to treat fungal infections. This is because it does not have any side effects and it is really swift and effective in killing Candida. When used, it breaks down the targeted cell immediately. On the other hand, Lauric acid is only found in breast milk and this oil.
It is important to note that this product is not only effective in the cure of Candida but has other benefits as well. Research has shown that it is also very powerful in raising foundational body temperature and a potent metabolism booster. It is also known for supporting the immune system, protecting people against degenerative diseases such as cancer.
Someone using it in curing Candida can use either the internal or external application. You can use this oil as cooking oil or can still add it to your diet. The other approach is applying this oil on the zone that is affected, around three to four times a day by tapping it.
Finally, you should be careful when purchasing this product. Those oils that have been hydrogenated should be avoided by all means because hydrogenation destroys the helpful attributes of the product and creates dangerous fatty acids in it. When buying coconut oil for Candida, it is important to buy the organic virgin since it is closest to the natural state of the oil.
Natural treatment for thrush really does exist. A natural skin care routine needs to be followed – take Coconut oil for Candida as an example, this is a good natural skin care routine.