Tubal ligation is one of the most effective methods of birth control among women in Morgan city. It is a surgical technique in which Fallopian tubes are ligated. Once this has been done fertilization can no longer occur naturally. Once considered a permanent method, ligation can today be reversed fairly easily. If they have plans of having tubal reversal Louisiana residents are advised to get as much information on the procedure as possible.
There are different options that can be employed to achieve ligation. The method that is used has a huge influence on whether or not the procedure can be reversed successfully. One of the most commonly used methods is the placement of metallic clips on the tubes that block the movement of both the ovum and the sperm hence preventing fertilization. This is the easiest to perform. Other techniques include cauterization by electric current and tying of the tubes.
The preparation that is required before one undergoes the surgery is fairly simple and similar to what is required for other operations. Blood tests and imaging studies may be done to establish whether one is fit enough to undergo this procedure. The hysterosalpingogram, HSG, is a test that is used in determining the patency of tubes. It is conducted by introducing a dye through the cervix and examining how it moves through the genital tract.
This procedure is usually done in an outpatient clinic because local anesthesia is usually used. This means that you will be awake as the operation is conducted. The abdomen will be opened by making one small incision. This is also known as mini-laparotomy. An alternative approach is the use of three smaller incisions that are used for laparoscopy. In the latter technique, a monitor is used to guide the surgeon.
The laparoscopic technique is the more popular choice among surgeons and patients alike. Part of the reason for this is the use of small openings in accessing the tubes which subsequently results in less prominent scars. Another advantage is that the risk of injuring pelvic organs is significantly lowered. The main disadvantage is that some surgeons find the operating space quite limiting and this may require that they convert to an open approach.
The operation is deemed successful if it results in a pregnancy. In the event that a pregnancy is not attained, then efforts should be made to rule out other causes of infertility among both partners before terming it a failure. Factors that may affect the success rates include infertility in the male partner, presence of extensive scar tissue within the pelvis and advanced age.
The time that is needed for recovery is dependent on the type of technique that has been employed. If one has had the reversal through the open procedure, they may be required to remain within the hospital for a day or two for observation. This is usually not necessary when laparoscopy is used. Complications that may be encountered during this period include bleeding, infections and ectopic pregnancies.
Although tubal reversal can be done successfully in a majority of candidates, failure is not uncommon. The failure should not be taken as a sign of infertility until all other causes have been explored. More importantly, assisted reproduction options that do not require the presence of Fallopian tubes now exist. An example is in vitro fertilization.
You can find a complete review of the advantages of undergoing tubal reversal Louisiana surgery and more info about a well-respected surgeon at http://www.tubalreversalcenter.com right now.