Poison ivy is one of those plants that immediately springs negative images to mind, and it’s easy to see why. Visible rashes and itching often come about as a result of contact, but you should know that there is so much more to learn about as well. After all, poison ivy is more complex than you might think. For those who would like to learn about this subject matter, here are 4 things that you should know.
While poison ivy symptoms are often caught by touching the plant itself, this isn’t the only way that they can be experienced. When it catches fire, poison ivy burns, meaning that it won’t be long until produces smoke. As a result, when the smoke itself is inhaled, the aforementioned symptoms will start to show themselves. What this means is that you have to be even more aware of where you tread.
No matter how long you believe a poison ivy plant has been dead for, you shouldn’t assume that it’s harmless. For those who do not know, poison ivy plant leaves contain an oil called urushiol, which remains on the leaves a few years after the plant has been dead. As you might already imagine, you can still develop rashes and other symptoms from these dead plants. This is another reason why the utmost level of care is required of you.
Even though poison ivy can have a tremendous impact, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s contagious. If someone else has developed poison ivy symptoms, you won’t get them yourself by simply touching them. To think otherwise would be falling for a common myth, which companies such as Alternative Earthcare will tell you isn’t the case. Nonetheless, you should still hire an east end tick control company to keep your lawn under control.
Finally, contrary to popular belief, poison ivy exposure does not make you less susceptible to it in the future. As a matter of fact, it’s not uncommon for someone to react more aggressively to said exposure when it’s repeated. What this means is that lawn control of the highest level is even more essential. After all, when you consider the harmful results of poison ivy, one can never be too careful about how maintained a lawn can be.
For further details about what you have just read, visit Alternative Earthcare now.